French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Conduire, Craindre and Rire
In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs conduire (‘to drive’), craindre (‘to fear’) and rire (‘to laugh’).
What is the French present tense of conduire (‘to drive’)?
French | English |
je conduis | I drive |
tu conduis | you drive |
il conduit | he drives |
elle conduit | she drives |
nous conduisons | we drive |
vous conduisez | you drive |
ils conduisent | they drive |
elles conduisent | they drive |
What is the French present tense of craindre (‘to fear’)?
French | English |
je crains | I fear |
tu crains | you fear |
il craint | he fears |
elle craint | she fears |
nous craignons | we fear |
vous craignez | you fear |
ils craignent | they fear |
elles craignent | they fear |
What is the French present tense of rire (‘to laugh’)?
French | English |
je ris | I laugh |
tu ris | you laugh |
il rit | he laughs |
elle rit | she laughs |
nous rions | we laugh |
vous riez | you laugh |
ils rient | they laugh |
elles rient | they laugh |
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