French Verbs – Conditional Mood – Regular Verbs
In this lesson we learn how to create conditional mood for regular French verbs.
What is the conditional mood?
How is the conditional mood formed in French?
What is the French conditional mood of regular -er verbs, e.g. jouer (‘to play’)?
What is the French conditional mood of regular -ir verbs, e.g. finir (‘to finish’)?
French | English |
je finirais | I would finish |
tu finirais | you would finish |
il finirait | he would finish |
elle finirait | she would finish |
nous finirions | we would finish |
vous finiriez | you would finish |
ils finiraient | they would finish |
elles finiraient | they would finish |
What is the French conditional mood of regular -re verbs, e.g. attendre (‘to wait’)?
Note that the ‘e’ is dropped from the end of the infinitive before the endings are applied, as follows:
French | English |
j’attendrais | I would wait |
tu attendrais | you would wait |
il attendrait | he would wait |
elle attendrait | she would wait |
nous attendrions | we would wait |
vous attendriez | you would wait |
ils attendraient | they would wait |
elles attendraient | they would wait |
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