Business French – What Are Useful Words for Making a Telephone Call in French?

Learn phrases and vocabulary that will help making and taking telephone calls in the business environment in France.

Watch the video as many times as you need, until you feel you can give the French translations as we go!

Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for the following:

Part 1:

telephone call
phone call (informal)
mobile phone
mobile phone (informal)
fixed line telephone

Part 2:

telephone number
What is your telephone number?
dialling code
international dialling code
ringing tone

Giving Telephone Numbers

Mon numéro de téléphone est le 54-26-33-41-84.My telephone number is 54-26-33-41-84.

In France, people usually give phone numbers in a sequence of double-digit numbers, as shown in the example above. Therefore, when giving the number, it would be spoken as cinquante-quatre, vingt-six, trente-trois, quarante-et-un, quatre-vingt-quatre.

How To Introduce Yourself on a Telephone Call in French

AllôHello… (on phone)
C’est moi.It’s me.
C’est de la part de qui?Who’s calling?
Qui est à l’appareil?Who’s calling?
Ici Pierre à l’appareil.It’s Pierre calling.

Stating What You Want on a Telephone Call

Je voudrais parler à … s’il vous plaît.I would like to speak to … please.
Je pourrais parler à …May I speak to …?
Je peux laisser un message (à …)?Can I leave a message (for …)?
Choisissez le 1 pour laisser un message.Press one to leave a message.

Common French Expressions Used on the Telephone

Vous pouvez répéter, s’il vous plaît?Could you repeat that please?
Je peux avoir vos coordonnées?Could I have your details?
Je vous le/la passe.I will put you through (to him/her)
Son poste est occupé.His/her line is engaged
La ligne est occupée.The line is engaged
Pas de réponse.No answer
Vous patientez?Do you want to hold?
Ne quittez pas!Hold the line
Restez en ligne!Hold the line
Vous vous êtes trompé(e).You have the wrong number

What Are the Regional Dialling Codes in France?

Here are the indicatifs téléphoniques français:

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