French Lessons & Courses

Here is a list of all the Lexicogs French courses and a selection of lessons. Check back soon as we are always adding more!

Beginner Courses

If you’re new to French, then these courses are a great way to dive in and build your foundational knowledge.

Getting Started in French

Fancy learning French? This course will provide you all the initial basics, from introducing yourself through to numbers, dates, times and more.

Basic French Vocabulary

For beginners studying French for the first time and wish to build vocabulary quickly, or for mid-level learners who wish to revise areas of vocabulary.

Mastering French Numbers

If you want to focus on cementing your usage of French numbers, this course covers how to form numbers in French from one to one million.

Dive into a Lesson

Contextual French

These courses cover French phrases and vocabulary for specific situations that you may encounter in France.

Basic French for Shopping

Going to France and want to learn use French words and phrases for shopping? This course covers useful vocabulary and phrases for shopping, including words for foods and clothing as well as words and phrases for in the pharmacy.

French for Travel

Are you planning a trip to France and want to brush up your knowledge on travel and transport? This course covers all the basics.

French for Talking About Holidays

Here we cover phrases and vocabulary for talking about holidays, types of accommodation, and bookings and reservations.

French for Buying & Renovating Property

Undertaking a project in France? If you are buying a property or buying and renovating a property in France, these vocabulary lists cover all the common and specialist terms.

French for Wine Tasting

Are you booked in for some wine tasting adventures in France? In this course, we cover some of the terms and phrases that are useful when visiting a vineyard in France.

French for Specialist Areas

French for Geography

In this course, we cover basic specialist terms for geography and geographical features, as well as a comprehensive list of countries around the world and their names in French.

French for Science

These lessons cover some common vocabulary found in science and in the different branches of science.

French for Technology

Learn the French terms and vocabulary used in technology and information technology, from software to hardware to cutting edge, new technologies.

French for Sport

These lessons cover French vocabulary from the world of sport.

French for Literature

Reading books that you like is a great way of practising your French by combining it with an activity you enjoy. In these lessons, we learn some vocabulary for specific genres of literature.

French for Gardening

Are you an avid gardener? Brush up your French gardening vocabulary.

French Business Courses

French for Business

Prepare for working abroad in France with our business French course, which covers business related terms in French and advice on how to write business correspondence.

French for Marketing

In this course, we learn specialist terms for marketing in French. This is part of our French for Business range of courses on Lexicogs.

French Grammar Courses

Introduction to French Grammar

This course is for beginners who are studying French for the first time and wish to build their knowledge of basic concepts in French grammar.

Introduction to French Verbs & Tenses

This course is for beginners who are studying French for the first time and wish to build their knowledge of French verbs quickly, or for mid-level learners who wish to test and refresh their knowledge.

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