Getting Started in French

This course sets you up with the foundational knowledge needed to get you started quickly on your French learning journey. Each lesson includes a video to practice pronunciation, a word trainer and a selection of quizzes to take when you’re ready.

You can either follow the course as structured below, or pick from a random lesson.


Ten Expressions To Say Hello and Goodbye in French

In this lesson, we learn ten expressions for saying hello and goodbye in French.

How To Ask How Things Are and Reply in French

Listen to a selection of ten phrases that cover asking someone how they are and responses in French.

How To Make Introductions In French

Listen to phrases for introducing people in French.

What Are the Names for Close Family Members in French?

In this lesson, we learn ten words for close family members in French.

What Are the Words for Wider Family Members in French?

In this lesson, we learn ten words for wider and extended family members in French.

Asking About Family

Listen to phrases for asking about brothers, sisters and other family in French.

What Are the Numbers One to Ten in French?

In this lesson, we learn the numbers from one to ten in French and their pronunciation.

What Are the Numbers Eleven to Twenty in French?

In this lesson, we learn the numbers from eleven to twenty in French and their pronunciation.

Asking How Much Something Costs in French

This lesson covers how you ask what something costs in French.

What Are the French Numbers 21 to 60?

In this lesson, we learn the numbers in French from 21 to 60 and their pronunciation.

How To Tell the Time in French

This lesson explores expressions for telling the time.

What Are Some of the Larger Numbers in French?

In this lesson we learn the pronunciation of a selection of larger numbers in French, from sixty-one to one million.

What Are the Days of the Week in French?

In this lesson, we hear the French words for the days of the week: les jours de la semaine.

How To Say What Day It Is in French

In this lesson we learn how to say what day it is in French.

What Are the Months of the Year Called in French?

In this lesson, we hear the words in French for the months of the year: les mois de l’année.

How To Ask for and Give The Date in French

In this lesson we learn how to ask for and give the date in French.

What Are the Basic Colours in French?

In this lesson, we hear the French for colours.

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