French for Holidays – Talking About Going Places in French

In this lesson, we learn how to say that you went to (or are going to) specific countries in French.

There are ten example expressions. You’ll notice that the construction ‘aller + to + country’ is used. The word for ‘to’ is ‘au’ and ‘aux’ for masculine and plural countries. For feminine countries, French uses ‘en.’ The distinctions are shown in purple.

Watch the video as many times as you need, until you feel you can give the French translations as we go!

Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for the following:

Part 1:

I went to France. (male speaker)
I went to Denmark. (female speaker)
He went to the Netherlands.
She went to the United Kingdom.
We went to Germany.

Part 2:

I am going to go to Canada.
I am going to go to the United States.
He is going to go to Greece.
She is going to go to Mexico.
They are going to go to Turkey.

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the words we learned?

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