French Verbs – Conditional Mood – Regular Verbs

In this lesson we learn how to create conditional mood for regular French verbs.

What is the conditional mood?

So far, all the verbs we have encountered have been in the indicative mood – which represents that the speaker is articulating a statement of fact. We have therefore studied the tenses in the indicative. But as well as tenses, verbs have moods – and the conditional mood is so called because it is based on the condition of something else.

In English, this is often conveyed by the word ‘would,’ as in “I would go,” or “I would play.” As you can see, these phrases suggest there is a condition to the statement, such as “I would go, if I had the time,” or “I would play but it is raining.” It is a future action that might take place.

How is the conditional mood formed in French?

The same applies to French. However, instead of using a word such as ‘would,’ the condition is expressed by using verb forms.

The good news, it is very similar to the future tense, as endings are added to the infinitive form of each verb. The endings are also familiar, as they are the same as those used for the imperfect tense. Therefore, the verbs are formed using the endings as follows:


What is the French conditional mood of regular -er verbs, e.g. jouer (‘to play’)?

je joueraisI would play
tu joueraisyou would play
il joueraithe would play
elle joueraitshe would play
nous jouerionswe would play
vous joueriezyou would play
ils joueraientthey would play
elles joueraientthey would play

What is the French conditional mood of regular -ir verbs, e.g. finir (‘to finish’)?

je finiraisI would finish
tu finiraisyou would finish
il finiraithe would finish
elle finiraitshe would finish
nous finirionswe would finish
vous finiriezyou would finish
ils finiraientthey would finish
elles finiraientthey would finish

What is the French conditional mood of regular -re verbs, e.g. attendre (‘to wait’)?

Note that the ‘e’ is dropped from the end of the infinitive before the endings are applied, as follows:

j’attendraisI would wait
tu attendraisyou would wait
il attendraithe would wait
elle attendraitshe would wait
nous attendrionswe would wait
vous attendriezyou would wait
ils attendraientthey would wait
elles attendraientthey would wait

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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