French Verbs – Present Tense – Interrogative

In this lesson, we examine how to form the interrogative in French. Interrogative refers to any statement, phrase or sentence clause that functions as a question.

How do you form a question from a French verb phrase?

There are two main ways in which you can form a question statement (or interrogative) from a verb phrase in French:

  1. Use ‘est-ce que’
  2. Invert the subject and the verb

We’ll explore each of these methods in turn.

Using ‘est-ce que’

In order to form questions from French verb phrases, one of the most common ways is to add ‘est-ce que’ to the statement. For example:

Je parleEst-ce que je parle?Am I speaking, do I speak?
Tu parlesEst-ce que tu parles?Are you speaking, do you speak?
Il parleEst-ce qu‘il parle?Is he speaking, does he speak?
Elle parleEst-ce qu‘elle parle?Is she speaking, does she speak?
Nous parlonsEst-ce que nous parlons?Are we speaking, do we speak?
Vous parlezEst-ce que vous parlez?Are you speaking, do you speak?
Ils parlentEst-ce qu‘ils parlent?Are they speaking, do they speak?
Elles parlentEst-ce qu‘elles parlent?Are they speaking, do they speak?

Notice that il, elle, ils and elles cause the ‘e’ to be dropped from que.

Inverting the noun or pronoun (subject) and the verb

Another way to form a question is turn the subject (pronoun or noun) and the verb around and add a hyphen between them. This can be used for all verb forms except je.

Here’s the same example as above, using parler, but illustrating the inversion method:

Tu parlesParles-tu?Are you speaking, do you speak?
Il parleParle-t-il?Is he speaking, does he speak?
Elle parleParle-t-elle?Is she speaking, does she speak?
Nous parlonsParlons-nous?Are we speaking, do we speak?
Vous parlezParlez-vous?Are you speaking, do you speak?
Ils parlentParlent-ils?Are they speaking, do they speak?
Elles parlentParlent-elles?Are they speaking, do they speak?

Notice that for il and elle, you need to insert ‘-t-‘ between the verb and the pronoun, in order to make the pronunciation easier. This is not needed if the il /elle verb form already ends in a ‘t.’ For example: Boit-il? for ‘Does he drink?’


Although est-ce que is preferred for the je forms, you can use inversion for the following:

Suis-je? (‘Am I?’), Ai-je? (‘Have I?’), Puis-je? (‘Can I?’) and Vais-je? (‘Do I go?’)

These are rare.

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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