French Verbs – Present Tense – Negative

In this lesson, we examine how to form the negative in French. Negation refers to any statement, phrase or sentence clause that uses a negative word or adverb to express contradiction or denial.

How do you form negative statements in French?

Negative verbs in French are most commonly formed by placing ne in front of the verb and pas after it. Study the following examples:

Positive StatementNegationEnglish
je parleje ne parle pasI am not speaking, I don’t speak
tu parlestu ne parles pasYou are not speaking, you don’t speak
il parleil ne parle pasHe is not speaking, he doesn’t speak
elle parleelle ne parle pasShe is not speaking, she doesn’t speak
nous parlonsnous ne parlons pasWe are not speaking, we do not speak
vous parlezvous ne parlez pasYou are not speaking, you don’t speak
ils parlentils ne parlent pasThey are not speaking, they don’t speak
elles parlentelles ne parlent pasThey are not speaking, they don’t speak

If the verb begins with a vowel sound, then the ne is contracted, as follows:

j’aije n‘ai pasI do not have
tu astu n‘as pasYou do not have
il ail n‘a pasHe does not have
elle aelle n‘a pasShe does not have
nous avonsnous n‘avons pasWe do not have
vous avezvous n‘avez pasYou do not have
ils ontils n‘ont pasThey do not have
elles ontelles n‘ont pasThey do not have

The negative with the interrogative

For the est-ce que form, a negative question is formed in exactly the same way as normal. Therefore, est-ce-que is simply placed before the question statement as follows:

Je ne joue pasEst-ce que je ne joue pas?Do I not play, am I not playing?
Tu ne joues pasEst-ce que tu ne joues pas?Do you not play, are you not playing?
Il ne joue pasEst-ce qu‘il ne joue pas?Does he not play, is he not playing?
Elle ne joue pasEst-ce qu‘elle ne joue pas?Does she not play, is she not playing?
Nous ne jouons pasEst-ce que nous ne jouons pas?Do we not play, are we not playing?
Vous ne jouez pasEst-ce que vous ne jouez pas?Do you not play, are you not playing?
Ils ne jouent pasEst-ce qu‘ils ne jouent pas?Do they not play, are they not playing?
Elles ne jouent pasEst-ce qu‘elles ne jouent pas?Do they not play, are they not playing?

With the inverted question style, the pas is placed after the pronoun, as follows:

Tu ne joues pasNe joues-tu pas?Do you not play, are you not playing?
Il ne joue pasNe joue-t-il pas?Does he not play, is he not playing?
Elle ne joue pasNe joue-t-elle pas?Does she not play, is she not playing?
Nous ne jouons pasNe jouons nous pas?Do we not play, are we not playing?
Vous ne jouez pasNe jouez-vous pas?Do you not play, are you not playing?
Ils ne jouent pasNe jouent-ils pas?Do they not play, are they not playing?
Elles ne jouent pasNe jouent-elles pas?Do they not play, are they not playing?

If the verb begins with a vowel, the ne is contracted, for instance: N’aime-t-il pas? (‘Does he not like?’, ‘Doesn’t he like?’)

The negative with reflexive verbs

The ne part of the negation goes between the pronoun and the reflexive pronoun, as follows:

Je me laveJe ne me lave pasI am not having a wash
Tu te lavesTu ne te laves pasYou are not having a wash
Il se laveIl ne se lave pasHe is not having a wash
Elle se laveElle ne se lave pasShe is not having a wash
Nous nous lavonsNous ne nous lavons pasWe are not having a wash
Vous vous lavezVous ne vous lavez pasYou are not having a wash
Ils se laventIls ne se lavent pasThey are not having a wash
Elles se laventElles ne se lavent pasThey are not having a wash

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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