French Verbs – Present Tense of Aller and Faire
In this lesson, we cover the present tense of two further irregular verbs, aller (‘to go’) and faire (‘to do, to make’).
What is the present tense of aller (‘to go’)?
Watch the video as many times as you need, until you feel you can give the French translations as we go!
Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for the following:
I go, I am going | |
you go, you are going (informal) | |
he goes, he is going | |
she goes, she is going | |
we go, we are going | |
you go, you are going (formal) | |
they go, they are going (masc. plural) | |
they go, they are going (fem. plural) |
What is the present tense of faire (‘to do, to make’)?
This is also irregular and is formed as follows:
Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for the following:
I do, I am doing, I make, I am making | |
you do, you are doing, you make, you are making (informal) | |
he does, he is doing, he makes, he is making | |
she does, she is doing, she makes, she is making | |
we do, we are doing, we make, we are making | |
you do, you are doing, you make, you are making (formal) | |
they do, they are doing, they make, they are making (masc. plural) | |
they do, they are doing, they make, they are making (fem. plural) |
What are some idiomatic uses of faire (‘to do, to make’)?
Faire is often used in French as part of more idiomatic expressions and everyday phrases, so it’s a really useful verb to know. Here are some examples:
faire attention | to pay attention |
faire les courses | to go shopping (i.e. for necessities) |
faire les magasins | to go round the shops, go shopping) |
faire de la bicyclette | to ride a bicycle |
faire du vélo | to go cycling |
faire de la voile | to sail, go sailing |
faire du camping | to go camping |
faire la grève | to go on strike |
faire du ski | to go skiing |
faire du tricot | to knit |
faire le ménage | to do housework |
faire la lessive | to do the washing up |
faire le lit | to make the bed |
faire du sport | to play sports |
faire du bricolage | to do some DIY |
faire une promenade | to take a walk |
faire de son mieux | to do one’s best |
faire mal | to hurt |
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