French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Battre, Mettre and Prendre

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs battre (‘to beat’), mettre (‘to put’) and prendre (‘to take’).

What is the French present tense of battre (‘to beat’)?

je batsI beat
tu batsyou beat
il bathe beats
elle batshe beats
nous battonswe beat
vous battezyou beat
ils battentthey beat
elles battentthey beat

What is the French present tense of mettre (‘to put’)?

je metsI put
tu metsyou put
il methe puts
elle metshe puts
nous mettonswe put
vous mettezyou put
ils mettentthey put
elles mettentthey put

What is the French present tense of prendre (‘to take’)?

je prendsI take
tu prendsyou take
il prendhe takes
elle prendshe takes
nous prenonswe take
vous prenezyou take
ils prennentthey take
elles prennentthey take

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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