French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Battre, Mettre and Prendre
In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs battre (‘to beat’), mettre (‘to put’) and prendre (‘to take’).
What is the French present tense of battre (‘to beat’)?
French | English |
je bats | I beat |
tu bats | you beat |
il bat | he beats |
elle bat | she beats |
nous battons | we beat |
vous battez | you beat |
ils battent | they beat |
elles battent | they beat |
What is the French present tense of mettre (‘to put’)?
French | English |
je mets | I put |
tu mets | you put |
il met | he puts |
elle met | she puts |
nous mettons | we put |
vous mettez | you put |
ils mettent | they put |
elles mettent | they put |
What is the French present tense of prendre (‘to take’)?
French | English |
je prends | I take |
tu prends | you take |
il prend | he takes |
elle prend | she takes |
nous prenons | we take |
vous prenez | you take |
ils prennent | they take |
elles prennent | they take |
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