French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Connaître, Naître and Plaire

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs connaître (to know), naître (to be born) and plaire (to please).

What is the French present tense of connaître (‘to know’)?

je connaisI know
tu connaisyou know
il connaîthe knows
elle connaîtshe knows
nous connaissonswe know
vous connaissezyou know
ils connaissentthey know
elles connaissentthey know

What is the French present tense of naître (‘to be born’)?

je naisI am born
tu naisyou are born
il naîthe is born
elle naîtshe is born
nous naissonswe are born
vous naissezyou are born
ils naissentthey are born
elles naissentthey are born

What is the French present tense of plaire (‘to please’)?

je plaisI please
tu plaisyou please
il plaîthe pleases
elle plaîtshe pleases
nous plaisonswe please
vous plaisezyou please
ils plaisentthey please
elles plaisentthey please

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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