French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Courir, Dormir and Venir
In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs courir (‘to run’), dormir (‘to sleep’) and venir (‘to come’).
What is the French present tense of courir (‘to run’)?
French | English |
je cours | I run |
tu cours | you run |
il court | he runs |
elle court | she runs |
nous courons | we run |
vous courez | you run |
ils courent | they run |
elles courent | they run |
What is the French present tense of dormir (‘to sleep’)?
French | English |
je dors | I sleep |
tu dors | you sleep |
il dort | he sleeps |
elle dort | she sleeps |
nous dormons | we sleep |
vous dormez | you sleep |
ils dorment | they sleep |
elles dorment | they sleep |
What is the French present tense of venir (‘to come’)?
French | English |
je viens | I come |
tu viens | you come |
il vient | he comes |
elle vient | she comes |
nous venons | we come |
vous venez | you come |
ils viennent | they come |
elles viennent | they come |
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