French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Courir, Dormir and Venir

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs courir (‘to run’), dormir (‘to sleep’) and venir (‘to come’).

What is the French present tense of courir (‘to run’)?

je coursI run
tu coursyou run
il courthe runs
elle courtshe runs
nous couronswe run
vous courezyou run
ils courentthey run
elles courentthey run

What is the French present tense of dormir (‘to sleep’)?

je dorsI sleep
tu dorsyou sleep
il dorthe sleeps
elle dortshe sleeps
nous dormonswe sleep
vous dormezyou sleep
ils dormentthey sleep
elles dormentthey sleep

What is the French present tense of venir (‘to come’)?

je viensI come
tu viensyou come
il vienthe comes
elle vientshe comes
nous venonswe come
vous venezyou come
ils viennentthey come
elles viennentthey come

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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