French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Devoir, Pouvoir and Vouloir

This lesson covers three of the most frequently occurring verbs, devoirpouvoir and vouloir, which equate to the modal English verbs ‘to have to,’ ‘to be able to’ and ‘to want to.’

There are many irregular verbs in the present tense in French. We have met a couple already, avoir and être; and aller and faire, which are some of the most common verbs used. Next, we’ll make a start with the verbs devoir (‘to have to,’ ‘must,’ or ‘should’), pouvoir (‘to be able to,’ ‘can’) and vouloir (‘to want to’) – these are also very common and they also are extremely useful as they can be used as helping verbs, or more precisely ‘auxiliary verbs,’ to create more sophisticated phrases in French. We’ll take a look at how we can use these in this lesson.

But let’s start with the present tense of each of these verbs and some of the English phrases that they can equate to.

What is the present tense of devoir (‘to have to’)?

This is the French present tense of devoir, (‘to have to’) along with English equivalents. Devoir expresses a need or obligation to do something.

je doisI must, I ought to, I should
tu doisyou must, you ought to, you should
il doithe must, he ought to, he should
elle doitshe must, she ought to, she should
nous devonswe must, we ought to, we should
vous devezyou must, you ought to, you should
ils doiventthey must, they ought to, they should
elles doiventthey must, they ought to, they should

What is the present tense of pouvoir (‘to be able to’)?

This is the French present tense of pouvoir, (‘to be able to’) along with English equivalents. Pouvoir expresses an ability or a capability to do something.

je peuxI am able to, I can
tu peuxyou are able to, you can
il peuthe is able to, he can
elle peutshe is able to, she can
nous pouvonswe are able to, we can
vous pouvezyou are able to, you can
ils peuventthey are able to, they can
elles peuventthey are able to , they can

What is the present tense of vouloir (‘to want to’, ‘to want’)?

This is the French present tense of vouloir, (‘to want to’, ‘to want’) along with English equivalents. Vouloir expresses a desire for something or a want.

je veuxI want (to)
tu veuxyou want (to)
il veuthe wants (to)
elle veutshe wants (to)
nous voulonswe want (to)
vous voulezyou want (to)
ils veulentthey want (to)
elles veulentthey want (to)

How do you use these verbs to form more complex sentences?

The benefit of learning these verbs is that you can add any infinitive after it in order to express more complex sentences. Take a look at the examples, which use all the verbs from this lesson as auxiliary verbs plus a main verb in the infinitive, along with some possible English translations.

je veux aiderI want to help
tu veux travaillerYou want to work
il veut réussirHe wants to succeed
elle veut arriverShe wants to arrive
nous voulons chanterWe want to sing
vous voulez chercherYou want to look for
ils veulent danserThey want to dance
elles veulent finirThey want to finish
je peux donnerI can give
tu peux écouterYou are able to listen to
il peut entrerHe is able to enter
elle peut étudierShe is able to study
nous pouvons mangerWe can eat
vous pouvez habiterYou can live
ils peuvent jouerThey can play
elles peuvent monterThey can climb
je dois allerI should go
tu dois resterYou must rest
il doit retournerHe should return
elle doit sortirShe must go out
nous devons venirWe ought to come
vous devez attendreYou should wait
ils doivent répondreThey ought to respond
elles doivent penserThey should think

Vouloir – ‘to want (to)’

Vouloir can be followed by a verb, as illustrated in the table above.

However, it can also be used as a normal verb with a noun:

Je veux un café. (‘I want a coffee.’)

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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