French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Dire, Écrire and Lire

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs dire (‘to say’), écrire (‘to write’) and lire (‘to read’).

What is the French present tense of dire (‘to say’)?

je disI say
tu disyou say
il dithe says
elle ditshe says
nous disonswe say
vous ditesyou say
ils disentthey say
elles disentthey say

Watch out for the vous form in this one! It has only one syllable.

What is the French present tense of écrire (‘to write’)?

j’écrisI write
tu écrisyou write
il écrithe writes
elle écritshe writes
nous écrivonswe write
vous écrivezyou write
ils écriventthey write
elles écriventthey write

What is the French present tense of lire (‘to read’)?

je lisI read
tu lisyou read
il lithe reads
elle litshe reads
nous lisonswe read
vous lisezyou read
ils lisentthey read
elles lisentthey read

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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