French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Ouvrir, Recevoir and Tenir

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs ouvrir (‘to open’), recevoir (‘to receive’) and tenir (‘to hold’).

What is the French present tense of ouvrir (‘to open’)?

j’ouvreI open
tu ouvresyou open
il ouvrehe opens
elle ouvreshe opens
nous ouvronswe open
vous ouvrezyou open
ils ouvrentthey open
elles ouvrentthey open

What is the French present tense of recevoir (‘to receive’)?

je reçoisI receive
tu reçoisyou receive
il reçoithe receives
elle reçoitshe receives
nous recevonswe receive
vous recevezyou receive
ils reçoiventthey receive
elles reçoiventthey receive

What is the French present tense of tenir (‘to hold’)?

je tiensI hold
tu tiensyou hold
il tienthe holds
elle tientshe holds
nous tenonswe hold
vous tenezyou hold
ils tiennentthey hold
elles tiennentthey hold

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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