French Verbs – Present Tense of Regular -er Verbs

Regular verbs in French fall into one of three categories, depending on their ending. There are -er verbs, such as jouer (‘to play’), -re verbs, such as attendre (‘to wait’); and -ir verbs such as finir (‘to finish’). The biggest group is the -er verbs, covered in this lesson.

What Is a Verb Stem?

The part of a word that relays its actual meaning is called the stem. In the case of verbs, therefore, the stem is derived by removing any additional endings that are conveying other information. For regular verbs in French, removing the -er, -ir or -re from the infinitive form will often provide the stem, as illustrated below:


What Are the Present Tense Endings for -er Verbs in French?

One you have derived the stem, the verb needs to ‘agree’ according to the person carrying out the action. Regular -er verbs take the following endings, which are then added to the stem, to create the present tense:

je -e
tu -es
il -e
elle -e
nous -ons
vous -ez
ils -ent
elles -ent

Let’s check this out in practice, with the verb jouer, ‘to play,’ where the endings have been highlighted:

Watch the video as many times as you need, until you feel you can give the French translations as we go!

Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for the following:

jouerto play
je joueI play
tu jouesyou play
il jouehe plays
elle joueshe plays
nous jouonswe play
vous jouezyou play
ils jouentthey play
elles jouentthey play

What are common -er verbs in French?

Common -er verbs in French, which work in the same way as above, include:

aiderto help
aimerto love
apporterto bring
arriverto arrive
chanterto sing
chercherto look for
danserto dance
détesterto hate
donnerto give
écouterto listen to
entrerto enter
étudierto study
fermerto close
habiterto live (in)
jouerto play
monterto go up
parlerto speak
penserto think
porterto carry, to wear
tomberto fall
travaillerto work
trouverto find

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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