French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Boire, Devoir and Vouloir

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of boire, devoir and vouloir.

Vowel changes in the nous and vous forms

The next group of verbs have two irregular stems, one for the nous and vous forms; and another stem for the other forms of the verb.

Let’s see how this works for the verb boire, ‘to drink.’

The stems for the present tense subjunctive of boire are boiv and buv. It is formed as follows:

que je boivethat I may drink
que tu boivesthat you may drink
qu’il boivethat he may drink
qu’elle boivethat she may drink
que nous buvionsthat we may drink
que vous buviezthat you may drink
qu’ils boiventthat they may drink
qu’elles boiventthat they may drink

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of devoir (‘to have to’)?

The forms for devoir are doiv- and dev-.

que je doivethat I may have to
que tu doivesthat you may have to
qu’il doivethat he may have to
qu’elle doivethat she may have to
que nous devionsthat we may have to
que vous deviezthat you may have to
qu’ils doiventthat they may have to
qu’elles doiventthat they may have to

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of vouloir (‘to want to’)?

The stem forms for vouloir are veuill- and voul- as follows:

que je veuillethat I may want, wish
que tu veuillesthat you may want, wish
qu’il veuillethat he may want, wish
qu’elle veuillethat she may want, wish
que nous voulionsthat we may want, wish
que vous vouliezthat you may want, wish
qu’ils veuillentthat they may want, wish
qu’elles veuillentthat they may want, wish

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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