French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Conduire, Dire, Lire and Plaire
In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of conduire, dire, lire and plaire.
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of conduire (‘to drive’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem for conduire is conduis- as follows:
French | English |
que je conduise | that I may drive |
que tu conduises | that you may drive |
qu’il conduise | that he may drive |
qu’elle conduise | that she may drive |
que nous conduisions | that we may drive |
que vous conduisiez | that you may drive |
qu’ils conduisent | that they may drive |
qu’elles conduisent | that they may drive |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of dire (‘to say’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem for dire is dis- as follows:
French | English |
que je dise | that I may say |
que tu dises | that you may say |
qu’il dise | that he may say |
qu’elle dise | that she may say |
que nous disions | that we may say |
que vous disiez | that you may say |
qu’ils disent | that they may say |
qu’elles disent | that they may say |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of lire (‘to read’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem for lire is lis- as follows:
French | English |
que je lise | that I may read |
que tu lises | that you may read |
qu’il lise | that he may read |
qu’elle lise | that she may read |
que nous lisions | that we may read |
que vous lisiez | that you may read |
qu’ils lisent | that they may read |
qu’elles lisent | that they may read |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of plaire (‘to please’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem for plaire is plais- as follows:
French | English |
que je plaise | that I may please |
que tu plaises | that you may please |
qu’il plaise | that he may please |
qu’elle plaise | that she may please |
que nous plaisions | that we may please |
que vous plaisiez | that you may please |
qu’ils plaisent | that they may please |
qu’elles plaisent | that they may please |
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