French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Connaître, Écrire and Naître

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of connaîtreécrire and naître.

This group of verbs inserts a consonant sound before adding the present tense subjunctive endings, namely ‘ss’ in the case of connaître and naître, and a ‘v’ in the case of écrire. There are no changes for the nous and vous forms.

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of connaître (‘to know’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem for connaître is connaiss-.

que je connaissethat I may know
que tu connaissesthat you may know
qu’il connaissethat he may know
qu’elle connaissethat she may know
que nous connaissionsthat we may know
que vous connaissiezthat you may know
qu’ils connaissentthat they may know
qu’elles connaissentthat they may know

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of écrire (‘to write’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem for écrire is écriv-.

que j’écrivethat I may write
que tu écrivesthat you may write
qu’il écrivethat he may write
qu’elle écrivethat she may write
que nous écrivionsthat we may write
que vous écriviezthat you may write
qu’ils écriventthat they may write
qu’elles écriventthat they may write

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of naître (‘to be born’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem for naître is naiss-

que je naissethat I may be born
que tu naissesthat you may be born
qu’il naissethat he may be born
qu’elle naissethat she may be born
que nous naissionsthat we may be born
que vous naissiezthat you may be born
qu’ils naissentthat they may be born
qu’elles naissentthat they may be born

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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