French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Courir, Dormir and Ouvrir

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of courirdormir and ouvrir.

Unlike regular -ir verbs, which add -iss- between the stem and the ending, these irregular verbs do not.

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of courir (‘to run’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem of courir is cour-.

que je courethat I may run
que tu couresthat you may run
qu’il courethat he may run
qu’elle courethat she may run
que nous courionsthat we may run
que vous couriezthat you may run
qu’ils courentthat they may run
qu’elles courentthat they may run

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of dormir (‘to sleep’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem of dormir is dorm-.

que je dormethat I may sleep
que tu dormesthat you may sleep
qu’il dormethat he may sleep
qu’elle dormethat she may sleep
que nous dormionsthat we may sleep
que vous dormiezthat you may sleep
qu’ils dormentthat they may sleep
qu’elles dormentthat they may sleep

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of ouvrir (‘to open’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem of ouvrir is ouvr-.

que j’ouvrethat I may open
que tu ouvresthat you may open
qu’il ouvrethat he may open
qu’elle ouvrethat she may open
que nous ouvrionsthat we may open
que vous ouvriezthat you may open
qu’ils ouvrentthat they may open
qu’elles ouvrentthat they may open

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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