French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Courir, Dormir and Ouvrir
In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of courir, dormir and ouvrir.
Unlike regular -ir verbs, which add -iss- between the stem and the ending, these irregular verbs do not.
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of courir (‘to run’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem of courir is cour-.
French | English |
que je coure | that I may run |
que tu coures | that you may run |
qu’il coure | that he may run |
qu’elle coure | that she may run |
que nous courions | that we may run |
que vous couriez | that you may run |
qu’ils courent | that they may run |
qu’elles courent | that they may run |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of dormir (‘to sleep’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem of dormir is dorm-.
French | English |
que je dorme | that I may sleep |
que tu dormes | that you may sleep |
qu’il dorme | that he may sleep |
qu’elle dorme | that she may sleep |
que nous dormions | that we may sleep |
que vous dormiez | that you may sleep |
qu’ils dorment | that they may sleep |
qu’elles dorment | that they may sleep |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of ouvrir (‘to open’)?
The present tense subjunctive stem of ouvrir is ouvr-.
French | English |
que j’ouvre | that I may open |
que tu ouvres | that you may open |
qu’il ouvre | that he may open |
qu’elle ouvre | that she may open |
que nous ouvrions | that we may open |
que vous ouvriez | that you may open |
qu’ils ouvrent | that they may open |
qu’elles ouvrent | that they may open |
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