French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Craindre and Vaincre

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of craindre and vaincre.

These two verbs experience a slight consonant adjustment to form the stem of the present tense subjunctive. In the case of vaincre, the change is merely in order to keep the hard ‘c’ sound.

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of craindre (‘to fear’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem for craindre is craign-. Note that the ‘nd’ becomes ‘gn’:

que je craignethat I may fear
que tu craignesthat you may fear
qu’il craignethat he may fear
qu’elle craignethat she may fear
que nous craignionsthat we may fear
que vous craigniezthat you may fear
qu’ils craignentthat they may fear
qu’elles craignentthat they may fear

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of vaincre (‘to conquer’)?

The present tense subjunctive stem for vaincre is vainqu-.

que je vainquethat I may conquer
que tu vainquesthat you may conquer
qu’il vainquethat he may conquer
qu’elle vainquethat she may conquer
que nous vainquionsthat we may conquer
que vous vainquiezthat you may conquer
qu’ils vainquentthat they may conquer
qu’elles vainquentthat they may conquer

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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