French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Croire and Voir
In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of croire and voir.
These two verbs have a vowel change in the nous and vous forms from ‘i’ to ‘y.’
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of croire (‘to believe’)?
The two stems for croire are croi- and croy-.
French | English |
que je croie | that I may believe |
que tu croies | that you may believe |
qu’il croie | that he may believe |
qu’elle croie | that she may believe |
que nous croyions | that we may believe |
que vous croyiez | that you may believe |
qu’ils croient | that they may believe |
qu’elles croient | that they may believe |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of voir (‘to see’)?
The two stems for voir are voi- and voy-.
French | English |
que je voie | that I may see |
que tu voies | that you may see |
qu’il voie | that he may see |
qu’elle voie | that she may see |
que nous voyions | that we may see |
que vous voyiez | that you may see |
qu’ils voient | that they may see |
qu’elles voient | that they may see |
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