French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Prendre, Tenir and Venir
In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of prendre, tenir and venir.
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of prendre (‘to take’)?
French | English |
que je prenne | that I may take |
que tu prennes | that you may take |
qu’il prenne | that he may take |
qu’elle prenne | that she may take |
que nous prenions | that we may take |
que vous preniez | that you may take |
qu’ils prennent | that they may take |
qu’elles prennent | that they may take |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of tenir (‘to hold’)?
The two stems required for tenir are tienn- and ten-.
French | English |
que je tienne | that I may hold |
que tu tiennes | that you may hold |
qu’il tienne | that he may hold |
qu’elle tienne | that she may hold |
que nous tenions | that we may hold |
que vous teniez | that you may hold |
qu’ils tiennent | that they may hold |
qu’elles tiennent | that they may hold |
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of venir (‘to come’)?
The two stems required for venir are ‘vienn-‘ and ‘ven-.’
French | English |
que je vienne | that I may come |
que tu viennes | that you may come |
qu’il vienne | that he may come |
qu’elle vienne | that she may come |
que nous venions | that we may come |
que vous veniez | that you may come |
qu’ils viennent | that they may come |
qu’elles viennent | that they may come |
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