French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Prendre, Tenir and Venir

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of prendretenir and venir.

This group of verbs requires two stems for the subjunctive, with the nous and vous forms slightly changing both consonants and vowels.

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of prendre (‘to take’)?

The two stems required for prendre are prenn- and pren-.

que je prennethat I may take
que tu prennesthat you may take
qu’il prennethat he may take
qu’elle prennethat she may take
que nous prenionsthat we may take
que vous preniezthat you may take
qu’ils prennentthat they may take
qu’elles prennentthat they may take

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of tenir (‘to hold’)?

The two stems required for tenir are tienn- and ten-.

que je tiennethat I may hold
que tu tiennesthat you may hold
qu’il tiennethat he may hold
qu’elle tiennethat she may hold
que nous tenionsthat we may hold
que vous teniezthat you may hold
qu’ils tiennentthat they may hold
qu’elles tiennentthat they may hold

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of venir (‘to come’)?

The two stems required for venir are ‘vienn-‘ and ‘ven-.’

que je viennethat I may come
que tu viennesthat you may come
qu’il viennethat he may come
qu’elle viennethat she may come
que nous venionsthat we may come
que vous veniezthat you may come
qu’ils viennentthat they may come
qu’elles viennentthat they may come

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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