French Verbs – Present Tense Verbs With Stem Changes

This lesson covers verbs in French that have minor spelling changes in the present tense, such as those with infinitive forms ending in -cer, -ger, -eler, -eter, and -yer.

Some verbs have minor spelling changes, where the verb stem is adjusted slightly. These are mainly used to maintain the correct pronunciation while different endings are being added. Let’s take a look at some common cases where this occurs:

1. French verbs ending ‘-cer’

Watch out for the nous form of the verb, where the ‘c’ becomes ‘ç’ in order to maintain the s-sound. An example of a verb that behaves this way is commencer, ‘to start’:

je commenceI start
tu commencesyou start
il commencehe starts
elle commenceshe starts
nous commençonswe start
vous commencezyou start
ils commencentthey start
elles commencentthey start

Other verbs that operate like this include:

annoncerto announce
avancerto advance
menacerto threaten
placerto place
prononcerto pronounce
tracerto draw

2. Verbs ending ‘-ger’

Just like ‘c,’ the letter ‘g’ can be hard or soft, which means we have to make a small change to the nous form, as in the example manger, ‘to eat’:

je mangeI eat
tu mangesyou eat
il mangehe eats
elle mangeshe eats
nous mangeonswe eat
vous mangezyou eat
ils mangentthey eat
elles mangentthey eat

Other examples:

arrangerto arrange
bougerto move
dirigerto direct
nagerto swim
partagerto share
voyagerto travel

3. Verbs ending ‘-eler’ and ‘-eter’

These verbs often double up the consonant at the end of the stem to retain the pronunciation, as we can see in this example rappeler (‘to recall’):

je rappelleI recall
tu rappellesyou recall
il rappellehe recalls
elle rappelleshe recalls
nous rappelonswe recall
vous rappelezyou recall
ils rappellentthey recall
elles rappellentthey recall

However, there are exceptions to this, most notably acheter (‘to buy’), geler (‘to freeze’), peler (‘to peel’) and celer (‘to conceal’). These belong to a different group of verbs, which change the letter ‘e’ instead, as below.

4. Verbs in which ‘e’ becomes ‘è’ when the ending is not pronounced:

An example is acheter (‘to buy’):

j’achèteI buy
tu achètesyou buy
il achètehe buys
elle achèteshe buys
nous achetonswe buy
vous achetezyou buy
ils achètentthey buy
elles achètentthey buy

5. Verbs with a final ‘é’ in the stem

When we remove the ‘-er’ ending, if the final ‘e’ in the stem is ‘é’, then this will become ‘è’ for the verb forms where the endings are silent.

For example, the verb céder (‘to yield’) becomes céd- when we remove the -er ending.

This means that the last (and only) ‘e’ has the acute accent (é), which will need to become the grave accent (è) when we put our verb endings on, except for the forms nous and vous, where the endings are pronounced.

In another example, the stem of espérer (‘to hope’) is espér-, so the same applies. Préférer (‘to prefer’) also follows the same logic. Let’s see this in practice, keeping an eye on that final ‘e’ in the verb.

je préfèreI prefer
tu préfèresyou prefer
il préfèrehe prefers
elle préfèreshe prefers
nous préféronswe prefer
vous préférezyou prefer
ils préfèrentthey prefer
elles préfèrentthey prefer

Other examples:

célébrer to celebrate
exagérerto exaggerate
inquiéter to worry
posséder to posses
répéter to repeat
suggérer to suggest

6. Dealing with the letter ‘y’ in the infinitive

You’ll come across some verbs that end in ‘-yer,’ such as nettoyer (‘to clean’) or essuyer (‘to wipe’). For these verbs, the ‘y‘ becomes an ‘i‘ when the ending is not a syllable, so again for all forms of the verb except nous and vous. Here’s how it looks:

je nettoieI clean
tu nettoiesyou clean
il nettoiehe cleans
elle nettoieshe cleans
nous nettoyonswe clean
vous nettoyezyou clean
ils nettoientthey clean
elles nettoientthey clean

Other examples include appuyer (‘to lean’), ennuyer (‘to annoy’) and envoyer (‘to send’).

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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