The Basics of Grammar

This course provides an introduction to concepts that are useful in grammar.

It is intended for beginners and is designed to support those for whom grammar would be a useful background for the purpose of either learning a foreign language or for understanding how to improve ones written accuracy.


What Is Grammar?

In this lesson, you will learn exactly what grammar covers (and what it doesn’t). You’ll be able to describe the basic concepts of grammar and explain why grammar is useful.

What Is a Word?

In this lesson, you will learn what makes up a word (morphemes), the categories of word that exist and why this is important, and how morphemes and words come together to form the basis of the grammatical structure of a language.

What Is a Sentence?

After this lesson, you will be able to explain the concept of a clause, including main (independent) clauses and subordinate (dependent) clauses and how these are used as the building blocks of different types of sentences and what these types are.

What Is a Noun?

In this lesson, we learn how grammarians describe nouns – what types of nouns there are and why number, case and gender are important.

What Is a Determiner?

In this lesson, we cover the various types of determiners and how they work.

What Is an Adjective?

In this lesson, we will learn about different types of adjectives, including attributive, predicative, comparative and superlative adjectives.

What Is a Verb?

In this lesson, we will learn about different types of verbs and how they used, including voice, mood, modality, tense and aspect.

What Is an Adverb?

In this lesson, we will learn about adverbs and how they are used with verbs, adjectives, other adverbs and sentences.

What Is a Pronoun?

In this lesson, we will learn about the different types of pronoun, including personal, interrogative, relative, indefinite and demonstrative pronouns.

What Is a Preposition?

In this lesson, we will learn about prepositions and compound prepositions.

What Is a Verb?

What Is a Verb? Verbs refer to actions or states. For example, ‘to eat,’ ‘to sing ‘ and ‘to play’…

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What Is a Sentence?

What Is a Sentence? A sentence consists of at least one main clause and can include further related subordinate clauses…

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What Is a Preposition?

What Is a Preposition? A preposition tells you where something is in relation to something else or when something happened….

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What Is a Pronoun?

What Is a Pronoun? To avoid repetition, we often replace nouns in sentences with pronouns. Therefore, the following saying holds…

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