Present Tense
Past Tenses

Present Tense of Aller and Faire

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of two further irregular verbs, aller (‘to go’) and faire (‘to do, to make’).

What is the present tense of aller (‘to go’)?

This is the French present tense of aller, (‘to go’) along with English translations.

je vaisI go, I am going, I do go
tu vasyou go, you are going, you do go
il va / elle vahe goes, he is going, he does go / she goes, she is going, she does go
nous allonswe go, we are going, we do go
vous allezyou go, you are going, you do go
ils vont / elles vontthey go, they are going, they do go

What is the present tense of faire (‘to do, to make’)?

This is also irregular and is formed as follows:

je faisI do, I am doing, I make, I am making
tu faisyou do, you are doing, you make, you are making
il fait / elle faithe does, he is doing, he makes, he is making
nous faisonswe do, we are doing, we make, we are making
vous faitesyou do, you are doing, you make, you are making
ils font / elles fontthey do, they are doing, they make, they are making

What are some idiomatic uses of faire (‘to do, to make’)?

Faire is often used in French as part of more idiomatic expressions and everyday phrases, so it’s a really useful verb to know. Here are some examples:

faire attentionto pay attention
faire les coursesto go shopping (i.e. for necessities)
faire les magasinsto go round the shops, go shopping)
faire de la bicycletteto ride a bicycle
faire du véloto go cycling
faire de la voileto sail, go sailing
faire du campingto go camping
faire la grèveto go on strike
faire du skito go skiing
faire du tricotto knit
faire le ménageto do housework
faire la lessiveto do the washing up
faire le litto make the bed
faire du sportto play sports
faire du bricolageto do some DIY
faire une promenadeto take a walk
faire de son mieuxto do one’s best
faire malto hurt