Present Tense
Past Tenses

Present Tense of Regular Verbs Ending ‘-ir’

Regular verbs in French fall into one of three categories, depending on their ending. There are -er verbs, such as jouer (‘to play’), -re verbs, such as attendre (‘to wait’); and -ir verbs such as finir (‘to finish’). The second largest group is the -ir verbs, covered in this lesson.

What are the present tense endings for -ir verbs in French?

Verbs ending in -ir are formed by first removing the -ir from the infinitive to create the stem, to which the following endings are added:

je -is
tu -is
il -it
elle -it
nous -issons
vous -issez
ils -issent
elles -issent

Let’s check this out in practice, with the verb finir, ‘to finish,’ where the endings have been highlighted:

finirto finish
je finisI finish
tu finisyou finish
il finithe finishes
elle finitshe finishes
nous finissonswe finish
vous finissezyou finish
ils finissentthey finish
elles finissentthey finish

What are common -ir verbs in French?

Common -ir verbs in French, which work in the same way as above, include:

accomplirto accomplish
agirto act
avertirto warn
bâtirto build
choisirto choose
établirto establish
finirto finish
obéirto obey
punirto punish
réfléchirto reflect
remplirto fill
réussirto succeed