French Verbs – Present Tense of Irregular Verbs – Boire, Croire and Suivre

In this lesson, we cover the present tense of the verbs boire (‘to drink’), croire (‘to believe’) and suivre (‘to follow’).

What is the French present tense of boire (‘to drink’)?

je boisI drink
tu boisyou drink
il boithe drinks
elle boitshe drinks
nous buvonswe drink
vous buvezyou drink
ils boiventthey drink
elles boiventthey drink

What is the French present tense of croire (‘to believe’)?

je croisI believe
tu croisyou believe
il croithe believes
elle croitshe believes
nous croyonswe believe
vous croyezyou believe
ils croientthey believe
elles croientthey believe

What is the French present tense of suivre (‘to follow’)?

je suisI follow
tu suisyou follow
il suithe follows
elle suitshe follows
nous suivonswe follow
vous suivezyou follow
ils suiventthey follow
elles suiventthey follow


Notice that the first person of suivre is the same as the verb to be!
However, the context will tell you the meaning when used in French.

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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