French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Aller, Mourir and Recevoir
In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of aller, mourir and recevoir.
Vowel changes in the nous and vous forms
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of aller (‘to go’)?
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of mourir (‘to die’)?
What is the present tense subjunctive mood of recevoir (‘to receive’)?
The present tense subjunctive forms for recevoir are reçoiv- and recev- as follows:
French | English |
que je reçoive | that I may receive |
que tu reçoives | that you may receive |
qu’il reçoive | that he may receive |
qu’elle reçoive | that she may receive |
que nous recevions | that we may receive |
que vous receviez | that you may receive |
qu’ils reçoivent | that they may receive |
qu’elles reçoivent | that they may receive |
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