French Verbs – Present Tense Subjunctive of Aller, Mourir and Recevoir

In this lesson we learn how to create the present tense of the subjunctive mood of allermourir and recevoir.

Vowel changes in the nous and vous forms

Similar to boire, devoir and vouloir, the verbs aller (‘to go’), mourir (‘to die’) and recevoir (‘to receive’) have slight vowel changes in the nous and vous forms.

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of aller (‘to go’)?

The present tense subjunctive forms for aller are aill- and all- as follows:

que j’aillethat I may go
que tu aillesthat you may go
qu’il aillethat he may go
qu’elle aillethat she may go
que nous allionsthat we may go
que vous alliezthat you may go
qu’ils aillentthat they may go
qu’elles aillentthat they may go

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of mourir (‘to die’)?

The present tense subjunctive forms for mourir are meur- and mour- as follows:

que je meurethat I may die
que tu meuresthat you may die
qu’il meurethat he may die
qu’elle meurethat she may die
que nous mourionsthat we may die
que vous mouriezthat you may die
qu’ils meurentthat they may die
qu’elles meurentthat they may die

What is the present tense subjunctive mood of recevoir (‘to receive’)?

The present tense subjunctive forms for recevoir are reçoiv- and recev- as follows:

que je reçoivethat I may receive
que tu reçoivesthat you may receive
qu’il reçoivethat he may receive
qu’elle reçoivethat she may receive
que nous recevionsthat we may receive
que vous receviezthat you may receive
qu’ils reçoiventthat they may receive
qu’elles reçoiventthat they may receive

Can you fill in the blanks to complete the verbs we learned?

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