What Are the French Numbers 21 to 60?
In this lesson, we learn how the numbers from 21 to 60 work in French.
Watch the video as many times as you need, until you feel you can give the French translations as the video plays!
Now we can see what we’ve learned. Look at the English and see if you can provide the French for these words:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Notes on Usage
What Are the Numbers From 21 to 29 in French?
All these numbers use the base number for twenty – vingt – plus the numerals from one to nine. You’ll notice is that twenty-one is ‘twenty-and-one’ in French (emphasized in the table below). The others do not use et in their formation, so the numbers from twenty to twenty-nine run like this:
twenty-one | vingt-et-un |
twenty-two | vingt-deux |
twenty-three | vingt-trois |
twenty-four | vingt-quatre |
twenty-five | vingt-cinq |
twenty-six | vingt-six |
twenty-seven | vingt-sept |
twenty-eight | vingt-huit |
twenty-nine | vingt-neuf |
What Are the Numbers From 30 to 39 in French?
These follow the same format as the numbers in the twenties, with ‘thirty-one’ requiring the linking word et. The numbers therefore are:
thirty | trente |
thirty-one | trente-et-un |
thirty-two | trente-deux |
thirty-three | trente-trois |
thirty-four | trente-quatre |
thirty-five | trente-cinq |
thirty-six | trente-six |
thirty-seven | trente-sept |
thirty-eight | trente-huit |
thirty-nine | trente-neuf |
What Are the Numbers From 40 to 49 in French?
The numbers forty to forty-nine follow the same pattern as the numbers in the twenties and thirties.
forty | quarante |
forty-one | quarante-et-un |
forty-two | quarante-deux |
forty-three | quarante-trois |
forty-four | quarante-quatre |
forty-five | quarante-cinq |
forty-six | quarante-six |
forty-seven | quarante-sept |
forty-eight | quarante-huit |
forty-nine | quarante-neuf |
What Are the Numbers From 50 to 59 in French?
Here we have the same pattern again, so the numbers in the fifties run as follows:
fifty | cinquante |
fifty-one | cinquante-et-un |
fifty-two | cinquante-deux |
fifty-three | cinquante-trois |
fifty-four | cinquante-quatre |
fifty-five | cinquante-cinq |
fifty-six | cinquante-six |
fifty-seven | cinquante-sept |
fifty-eight | cinquante-huit |
fifty-nine | cinquante-neuf |
We then round off with soixante – sixty.
More Numbers
How Do You Ask How Much Something Costs in French?
How To Tell the Time in French
What Are Some of the Larger Numbers in French?

Getting Started in French
Fancy learning French? This course will provide you all the initial basics, from introducing yourself through to numbers, dates, times and more.